what is a Doula ?

A Doula is a non-medical carer that provides emotional, practical and informational support during pregnancy, birth and postnatally. I help you to prepare your birth vision and support you through your choices in your birth. I also assist in pursuing your core desires for your birth journey and gently guiding you to harmonise with yourself physically and emotionally. Additionally I will offer information to your partner and or family so that we can work as a team and therefore have a mutual understanding throughout the process. Lastly, the postpartum sessions will help you to feel more secure in the initial transitions of parenthood. Postpartum care includes helping with feeding, sleeping, infant care, general household tasks, cooking and taking care of siblings.

25% decrease in length of labour

50% less Ceaserean sections

40% decrease in use of forceps

40% decrease in use of pitocin or syntocinon (synthetic oxytocin)

60% decrease in use of epidurals

30% decrease in use of pain medication

  • Higher chance of spontaneous vaginal birth

  • Increased satisfaction with birth experiences

  • Improved breastfeeding

  • Decreased postpartum depression

  • Increased maternal satisfaction

  • Improved mother-infant bond

  • Secure and well-bonded children

Statistics from book Mothering the Mother by Marshall H. Klaus, John H. Kennell & Phyllis H. Klaus


Doula support

I believe that when a birthing person is given the support and information she personally needs, she is able to be receptive to their inner maternal intuition which can continually guide her. This ancestral wisdom which has been carried throughout the generations is accessible within all of us. I follow a hands-off approach which enables the woman to navigate the process in a very active way. I believe that whatever truly empowers the mother in her decisions on her personal transition is the best for her to have a positive birth experience. This includes decisions to have interventions, some medical assistance or none.


Physical touch is a fundamental aspect to our human experience from the point that we are birthed out of our mothers wombs to our families, friendships, and intimate relationships. This also includes those that provide professional physical aid such as doctors, physiotherapists, massage therapists and other healthcare workers. Touch is a nonverbal form of healing communication that enables us to return to a state of peaceful being. Physical touch has always been my primary love language. It feels the most natural way for me to nurture others which blossomed into my passion of massage therapy.

Massage is so much more than a way to ease your daily or chronic tension. It is a way of being nurtured that holds space to quieten and tune into yourself, harmonising the mind and body. Massage restores the body's physical and energetic balance, bringing tranquillity and rejuvenation therefore encouraging it to heal naturally.